This artefact has been dated by experts to 1978. It is my late father's diary for that year, and I guess he received as a member of the
Automobile Association, back when it was owned by its members.

Most of the diary entries are records of his shift patterns at work - he was a policeman. Shifts were early (E - 0600-1400), late (L - 1400-2200) and night (N - 2200-0600). "CSH" is the particular building where he worked, and "PH" means "public holiday". I am not sure what "PIL" means.
Most of the writing in the diary is in blue ballpoint, with occasional fountain pen ink here and there. I recall he carried a Parker Flighter ballpoint pen, so I guess he used that to write in his diary. I wish I knew where that pen was, now; I guess one of my brothers inherited it.

One interesting snippet in among the phone numbers and addresses is this, a formula for calculating the volume of a barrel. I have looked around the 'net to verify this formula, but without success. Perhaps someone who knows better may be able to help? It was no surprise for me to see this, however. Although my father left school aged 14, he was intellectually curious and was always reading books about many different subjects. I remember him talking about this formula, in fact, although I am ashamed to say that I did not pay much attention at the time. Ah, the folly of youth, etc.