A few weeks ago I received another nice parcel from Daycraft in Hong Kong, some of whose notebooks I reviewed a few months ago. It contained three pocket notebooks, the first of which I review here. This is the Astrology Notebook.

At the time of writing (end of November 2011) Gemini is well-placed low in the Eastern horizon in the evenings. It's a bright constellation and not easily missed once you recognise Castor and Pollux, which are represented on the cover by the two largest crystals, towards the top left in the picture.
Naturally, as an amateur astronomer I must dismiss astrology as pure superstition; and of course I do think it's complete hokum. But I couldn't say the same for the Astrology Notebook. It is beautifully made. The stiff board covers look robust, and in strong light, reflections ping off the crystals. You could easily lose track of the time playing with it to see all the different colours. On the day I took these photos, the Sun was shining, which allowed me to take advantage:

The Astrology Notebook measures 148mm by 102mm (roughly 6 inches by 4 inches) and holds 176 pages of what appears to be Daycraft's usual 100gsm paper stock. Every page is printed with a cross-hair design in feint grey which gives you a choice of orientation: you could use it as a regular notebook, or perhaps as a reporter's notebook, which would be my preferred option.

There is a clear sheet enclosed in the inside cover which shows the twelve constellations of the Zodiac, which looks like it could double as a window sticker. The inside cover also has printed on it the astrological symbol for Gemini, and some character traits attributed to Geminis (Versatile and clever. You're someone with sense. You can also be nervous and sometimes too tense. )

Like all the Daycraft notebooks I have reviewed, this is a well thought-out and executed notebook. It looks too nice to write in, almost; it would certainly make a nice Christmas present if you were looking for a stocking-filler. I wonder how robust it may be, however, and how long it may take before the crystals were knocked off. Anyone buying the Astrology Notebook may be well advised to keep it in the smart presentation case it is sold in if they intend to use it as an everyday carry notebook. Would I use it? Of course, but I'd have to prise it from my daughter's hands as she's already claimed it for herself.
My thanks to Mr. Foreal Lee from Daycraft for the review samples.
This notebook would team up nicely with the Caran d'Ache Metal Ballpoint - Astrology Series.I think the colour of the Astrology series pens are Dark Blue or Black, so would suit this notebook perfectly.
ReplyDeleteI saw this on another review recently and desperately want a Sagittarius one - however I can't see how to order one from here in the UK
ReplyDeleteI think Daycraft need to concentrate on their distribution. On their website, Australia is listed as a country where they can be purchased, but at the 2 newsagencies I tried that were listed in their outlets where they can be purchased, both had no stock. No point in spruiking your wares when no one can buy them.
ReplyDeleteThey've just got a distributor in the UK so hopefully they should become available in the shops. I hope they can sort out distribution in Australia, as these notebooks should be better known.
ReplyDeleteBTW I am told the crystals are glued to the covers using a hot-glue process and should not be dislodged easily